Friday, June 8, 2012

Bipolar Rivers

If you have ever been on the eno river you know what type of morning I'm talking about. Even after a heavy rain the water was clear, the sun was out, and most importantly the fish were biting. Well, me and my Dad (Cope) decided we just had to go to "fish church".

We got in the river with high hopes of some big large mouth and a streamer fishing movie fresh on our minds, well my dad was the only one thrilled to test his newly acquired knowledge. I immediately tied on a stealth bomber since I had a nice 16 inch large mouth on the same type of fly early that year.

Well, my dad used a streamer on sink tip line. Once we started fishing I got nothing--not even a bully from little fish. Once we got fishing apart this is what happened.

Yeah, that's when I changed from top water to
streamer fishing.

Dad-"uuuuhhhhhhh.........Robbie you should come here!
Me- "Do you have a fish?
Dad-"yeah a big fish.....what? is it on still.
Me-"I'm coming"

Once I finally got over to the other side of the deep hole that my dad was fishing I knew what all the freaking out was about. It was a 13 inch roanoke bass! As I looked in amazement at the monster sized roanoke I was thinking "I have got to change my fly". 
The moral of my story is rivers are very moody and you have to change your fly and not get an attitude because you're not catching fish. The river won't change for you; you have to change for the river.


  1. Wow -- and I thought my 10" Roanoke was something!

    That fish qualifies for an NCARP citation, by the way...

  2. I caught a big roanoke earlier this year at the eno didnt grt it measured bu it was big.
