Monday, September 24, 2012

               I want to start off saying sorry,

I know I haven’t posted anything in ages but I have an excuse and probably the best excurecently have se ever.

It is called high school. Now not saying that my followers are old but you’re not the youngest people ever so I’m sure you know the homework that comes with high school But that’s not what I am here to post about. As you can see this post is about how you are supposed to slice an apple.

               So the story behind this is simple and but traumatic. I   have recently become “obsessed” with biking as my family would call it. Last Sunday I was at my house getting over a cold and itching to go bike. So I was really just hanging around and decided I wanted an apple. But of course I needed to have Carmel to dip it in therefor I had to slice the apple. Now don’t stop reading it does get interesting. So while I was cutting the apple I decided to slice my finger open. Now I didn’t just have my mom get me a band aid she actually got band aids and then saw that I bled through the third paper towel and we got into the car. On the way to the hospital it hit me what just happened and started laughing it didn’t hurt when I did it and I ended up getting five stitches.

               So when I was leaving I was told they would be keeping my stitches for seven days. I got the first hint of biking withdrawal the third day. My family by know is plugging their ears every time I complain about not being able to bike. So when I finally get my stitches out yesterday I figure out I have to wait till Saturday before I can bike again. So I still hate life at the moment. So how you cut an apple its simple have your dad do it for you he’s much better at it.