So it turns out that my Dad knows a few things that I don't. He insisted that just because it was 36 degrees out side i should where a jacket riding my bike or i would get sick. Well of course I was hard headed so i didn't wear one. Well he got the chance to say "I told you so". Well i got over it in two days, my dad got it and got rid of it 3 weeks later. We didn't get on our bikes for that whole time. Well we went riding at umstead because there was a streak of rain. But on to the real story, this brings us to Saturday morning. It was a degree or two below freezing and my Dad was not going to go out side to bike. Well i talked him into driving me to the trail and he would meet me later on. Well I got onto the trail and was behind a guy on a single speed (bike without any gears) and I passed him thinking "Wow, that was too easy". I met up with my Dad later on and we rode until our legs fell off. The next day we went to ride on a super secret trail with a group of guys. Two or three of them had single speeds. Well single speeders are a different breed. These guys were fast. I mean they were fast. Me and my Dad were going fast and these guys were way up ahead of us. So one of the single speeders had the coolest things. He had a motorcycle chain and chain ring on his bike. I told him I liked his chain, he told me "I don't like things to wear out". If I ever get a single speed I will be getting a motorcycle chain on it because, that is so awesome!
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Monday, September 24, 2012
I want
to start off saying sorry,
I know I haven’t posted anything in ages but I have an
excuse and probably the best excurecently have se ever.
It is called high school. Now not saying that my followers
are old but you’re not the youngest people ever so I’m sure you know the
homework that comes with high school But that’s not what I am here to post
about. As you can see this post is about how you are supposed to slice an
So the
story behind this is simple and but traumatic. I have
recently become “obsessed” with biking as my family would call it. Last Sunday I
was at my house getting over a cold and itching to go bike. So I was really
just hanging around and decided I wanted an apple. But of course I needed to
have Carmel to dip it in therefor I had to slice the apple. Now don’t stop
reading it does get interesting. So while I was cutting the apple I decided to
slice my finger open. Now I didn’t just have my mom get me a band aid she
actually got band aids and then saw that I bled through the third paper towel
and we got into the car. On the way to the hospital it hit me what just happened
and started laughing it didn’t hurt when I did it and I ended up getting five
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Learning how to nymph for me was tough. It was knot after knot after knot. As most of us I got to a point where I didn't want to nymph. What eventually persuaded me was that I was catching 8 to 10 inch trout. On the other hand my dad was catching 14 inch trout. Since we were camping over night I decided to nymph the next day. I dont know what could have possible done this but my dad showed me one thing and from then on I was on fire. 14 incher after 14 incher that second day. It was ridiculous. I am now a decent nympher, please leave comments on you own nymphing struggles.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Eye Of The Tiger
It was a beautiful evening out on the pond we were fishing. The fishing was slow but it was a great night for kayaking on the pond. I swiftly casted the brown, black, and white popper inches from the bank. I heard a osprey chasing a heron from the pond. blup I turned around to see my fly pop back out of the water let go by the fish I just missed. bummed I casted a few feet to the left of the original spot. I bent down to unhook my line from the kayak pedal blup. I look up and see my fly gone then back to the surface. Flustered but amazed by the boldness of the fish. So I casted a couple of feet to the left and started to laugh since the frustration had past. I turned to my dad to say something between spurts of laughter and the darnedest thing happened. The fish struck again. Of course I didn't hook up because I wasn't paying attention. So I thought I would share this funny and quite embarrassing event.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Beware Of The Seceret Fish Assasin
Hey, this is going to be my first ever environmental awareness post. So this month I will teach you about phosphates. Phosphate is a naturally occurring mineral that is mined especially in North Carolina. Phosphate naturally enters our streams, rivers, and lakes but doesn't have much of an impact. But when us humans use the dish soaps, laundry soaps, and fertilizers that contain phosphates all that plays into factor. Then the water ways cant maintain aquatic habitats or keep them stable.
When too much phosphate enters our water it creates algae blooms. We all know that algae is a oxygen consuming beast when in numbers. With the limited amount of dissolved oxygen the fish start to die off. Considering that many of us are fly fishers that is pretty scary.
To find products that are phosphate free click here
To learn how to wash dishes with phosphate free detergents click here
When too much phosphate enters our water it creates algae blooms. We all know that algae is a oxygen consuming beast when in numbers. With the limited amount of dissolved oxygen the fish start to die off. Considering that many of us are fly fishers that is pretty scary.
To find products that are phosphate free click here
To learn how to wash dishes with phosphate free detergents click here
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Therapy With Scott
You know those morning. waking up late, having a casual fishing trip. I like to call these therapy appointments with Scott(my fly rod). Going out on the kayak on an unexplored seven acre pond. We got on the water not knowing what to expect. I started out with a articulated streamer on a sink tip. 15 yards fishing down the bank I got a hit. I came to figure out it was just a green back sunfish. As we kept on down the shore on this beautiful morning. I hooked up again. this time it was a decent and gorgeous large mouth bass. It was a tough fighting for its size 13 inch bass.
I mostly liked the beautiful sunset and enjoying the day with my dad. I also liked ramming into the shore with the kayak. but mostly I enjoyed the company of my dad and the great creation of the lord.
As we kept slowly crept along the shore we got hit with a half hour of slow feeding. So we switched to a deer hair popper. We still didn't have any bites. I turned my head to dad who was rowing me down the bank and said "If i don't get anyth......Wheres my fly?". "Whoa did you see that swirl". And I had that fish hooked. It was as if god told me where the bite was at. So far that day my score was 3. It was dads turn to fish.
Dad fished with the popper for a while with no product. He put the sink tip back on and almost immediately produced a HUGE crappie. But when I went to grab it it got off. He caught another crappie and a large mouth to tie it up 3 on 3.
I mostly liked the beautiful sunset and enjoying the day with my dad. I also liked ramming into the shore with the kayak. but mostly I enjoyed the company of my dad and the great creation of the lord.
Friday, June 8, 2012
Robbie Of The Haw
It was a hot sunny day on the haw river as many of us have enjoyed. My Dad and Mike Sepelak were there with me on the haw river to cheer me on as I took up a Hobby that has now turned to obsession--fly fishing. The haw river probably isn't the most friendly place for a first wading trip but is still a beautiful place in its own way. We set off from the country road into the woods in the direction of the river.

Imagine you are back in first grade and you are supposed to have a spelling test. You know that when you miss spell a word the teacher will say "Good job!" even though you know it was wrong. That's how I felt with two very experienced anglers watched my every movement of my casts. Even when my Dad said "nice cast buddy" I know it meant I was doing alright for my experience level. If I made that kind of cast now it would have been "What did you do wrong try that again". Even though I could hear the sincere joy of my Father. I had and still feel like he has a better time watching me fish and having fun than I have fishing.
We got out onto the river and I was hooked just with my surroundings. I will never forget the first time I felt the cold tight squeeze of the water rushing around my waders. My dad tied on a stealth bomber that I had tied a couple of days ago. I waded a little down stream to where my father told me to head. There was a over hanging tree right over a nice deep hole on the left bank. I took a false cast then slung it right under the tree. I stripped........stripped...........stripped with nothing. Disappointed, I casted a couple of feet to the right of the spot of the first cast. I stripped........stripBAAAAM I got a strike. I yelled and ripped my rod up almost waking the fishes dentist up.I stripped the line up pulled the fish in to take a look at my first bass on the fly. It wasn't a six pound beast but it was a prize to my eyes. I was ecstatic and my Dad was glad for me.

Mike immediately casted in the spot i just pulled the Large Mouth out of. In the end of the day every one but me got skunked. This memory of mine may be similar to yours but all of our own first fish on the fly experience are stored and archived deep in our hearts. Until we catch a HUGE fish then the first fish seems less important. Just joking.
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